LEAL - stop vivisezione

The LEAL – Anti-vivisection League was born in Milan in 1978 and is therefore the Italian animal rights association with more history behind it. Totally non-partisan, managed exclusively by volunteers, it has donations and contributions from members and supporters as its only sources of funding.

The LEAL has for statutory purposes the abolition of vivisection and its substitution by other scientifically safer and morally more acceptable means.
Our company joined the international campaign “Stop animal tests” as early as 1998: until 2013 through LAV and subsequently with LEAL, having appreciated its activity not only in terms of dissemination.
In fact, since 1981 LEAL has actively and effectively contributed to research by allocating its funds to the development of alternative tests to those on guinea pigs.
By purchasing LEAL Stop Vivisection products, the consumer contributes to the provision of scholarships for this purpose.

In short:

  • we do not test the finished product on animals (banned in the EU since 2004)
  • we do not commission animal tests on finished products and / or ingredients
  • we do not use raw materials tested on animals by producers after 1998, therefore, in line with the legislation that banned all tests on cosmetic ingredients starting from 11 March 2013
  • we help LEAL finance alternative tests to those on guinea pigs.